Mount Pisgah Christian School Geier Hall | Johns Creek, GA

Home /Projects / Mount Pisgah Christian School Geier Hall | Johns Creek, GA

Project Details

  • Education
  • |
  • Temperature Control
  • ATS Waypoint
Johns Creek, GA
Mount Pisgah Christian School

Geier Hall is the newest building at Mount Pisgah’s upper school campus, housing 48,000 sqft of classroom, study, and dining space for 9th through 12th grades. ATS Waypoint installed all the HVAC components for the new building and provided the capability to monitor the security system and control the exterior lighting. ATS provided a complete BACnet building automation system, along with a Niagara AX web interface and graphics for user control at the front end. photo by Joshuaepperson (CC BY-SA 4.0)